Solanaceae Source

A global taxonomic resource for the nightshade family

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Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Akasawa1987in Phytotax. Rep. Akasawa Bot. Lab., 1(1): 12 (1987).
H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 117, fig. 1987
H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 121, fig. 1987
(L. ) H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 105. 1987
(M. ) H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 130. 1987
(M. ) H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 102. 1987
(M. ) H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 107. 1987
(P. ) H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 136. 1987
(P. ) H. & Barboza1987Kurtziana 19: 139. 1987
Benítez1987Ernstia 44: 1. 1987.
(S. ) DArcy1987Fl. Panama Checklist & Index, 2 (Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 18): 663, 362 (1987):.
(L. R. ) Fosberg1987Phytologia 62: 181. 1987.
H. & Hjert.1987Kew Bull. 42: 436. 1987.
H. & Hjert.1987Kew. Bull. 42: 436. 1987.
Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 79, fig. 1987
(D. A. ) Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 75. 1987
Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 80 (1987).
Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 76 (1987).
Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 75, fig. 1987
(D. ) Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 78. 1987
Hunz.1987Opera Bot. 92: 79. 1987
B. & Hunz.1987Kurtziana 19: 141 (-143), fig. 1987
D. A. & J.L.Gentry1987Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 453. 1987
(D. ) Lourteig, Lourteig (D. )1987Phytologia 62: 442. 1987
A. & Murazawa1987in Phytotax. Rep. Akasawa Bot. Lab., 1(1): 10 (1987).
Ochoa1987Phytologia 63: 329. 1987.
Ochoa1987Phytologia 63: 455. 1987.
A. M. C. & K.A.Okada1987Phytologia 62: 166. 1987.
S.Knapp1987Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 738. 1987 [1986].
S.Knapp1987Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 742. 1987 [1986].
S.Knapp1987Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 739. 1987 [1986].
(D. ) D. A. & D.N.Sm.1987Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 674. 1987
Stehmann1987Napaea 2: 19 (-20), fig. 1987
(R. ) Va, jr.1987Fl. Tamil Nadu Ind., Ser I: Analysis 2: 115. 1987.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith